
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Facts Fun

Fun Facts· At one North Carolina golf club, you can rent a llama to be your caddy for $100.
· Armadillos can walk underwater.· Montana has three times as many cows as people.
· Pound for pound, grasshoppers are 3 times as nutritious as beef.
· The Washington Monument sinks at a rate of six inches a year.
· Owls are the only birds that can see blue.· There are an estimated 1,000,000,000,000,000 ants on the Earth.
· Alvin the Chipmunk's favorite food was "jello with a hot dog in it".
· There is only one diamond mine in North America: in Arkansas.
· It took Noah Webster 20 years to write his dictionary.
· The Roman emperor, Caligula's, last words were "I'm still alive!"
· The One Hundred Years War lasted 116 years.
· The gorilla's scientific name is "gorilla gorilla gorilla".
· In 1955, a book was returned to the Cambridge University library 288 years overdue.
· George Washington wanted Americans to address him as "His Mightiness, the President".
· In 1976, a Los Angeles secretary formally married her fifty-pound pet rock.
· In 1977, a 13-year-old boy discovered a tooth growing in his left foot.
· In 1979, a South African boy was found to have a marigold seed growing from his left eye.
· Mosquitos prefer to bite people who have just eaten a banana.
· Penguins can jump as high as six feet into the air.
· Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland libraries because he doesn't wear pants.
· In Taiwan, Pepsi's "Come Alive with the Pepsi Generation" slogan was reportedly translated on billboards as "Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the dead."
· American car horns usually honk in the key of F.
· People in nudist colonies play more volleyball than any other sport.
· On some Caribbean islands, the oysters can climb trees.
· In 1977, 9.3 million cars were made in America that year. 10.4 million were recalled.
· Armadillos can get leprosy.
· According to Oscar Mayer, the 1995 Weinermobile is 55 hot dogs long, 25 hot dogs high, 10 hot dogs wide, and weighs 10,000 pounds.
· Three Mile Island is 2 1/2 miles long.
· The Bible is the most shoplifted book in the US.
· The potato chips Americans eat each year weigh six times as much as the Titanic.
· An adult giraffe's tongue is 17 inches long.
· If your stomach didn't produce a new layer of mucous every week, it would digest itself.
· New York's Central Park is almost two times as big as the country of Monaco.
· The US has more bagpipe bands than Scotland.
· There are ten million bricks in the Empire State Building.
· It takes the average adult reader 135 minutes to watch Bridges of Madison County and 119 minutes to read the book.
· At its present rate of erosion, Niagra Falls will completely disappear in 22,800 years.
· Florence Nightingale carried a pet owl in her pocket wherever she traveled.
· Idaho is the only U.S. state that has never had a foreign flag flying over it.
· What country do Americans look up most often in the World Book Encylcopedia? Canada.
· The world's five smallest countries would easily fit inside of Walt Disney World.
· 5% of Americans think "espresso" is an overnight delivery service.
· Tuna is the most popular pizza topping in Korea.
· William Shakespeare invented more than 1700 words.
· Americans fill in 54 acres of crossword puzzle space everyday.
· 40% of McDonald's profits come from Happy Meals.
· Anteaters can stick their tongues out at 160 times per minute.
· The Danish spent $166 million on prositutes in 1993.
· The Jawas voices in Star Wars are a mixture of Swahili and Zulu dialects sped up.
· Jimmy Carter was the first President born in a hospital.
· The average supermarket stocks 12,341 different items.
· One bucket of water can make enough fog to cover 105 square miles in 50 ft. of fog.
· If you keep your goldfish in the dark, they'll turn white.
· King Louis XIX ruled France for about 15 minutes.
· There are 336 dimples in a regulation golf ball.
· "Yes, We Have No Bananas" is the most popular sheet music song of all time.
· 70% of VCR owners say they have never used the timer.
· Los Angeles' full name is El Pueblo de Nuestra SeƱora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula.
· The praying mantis is the only animal on Earth with one ear.
· 21,023 Japanese citizens were arrested for "the illegal sale or abuse of paint thinner" in 1993.
· Hippo lips are about 2 feet wide.· Cows outnumber people in 9 U.S. states.
· Urdu is the most common language spoken by New York City cabdrivers.
· The baby blue whale gains 10 pounds per hour.
· The FBI has more than 200 million fingerprints on file - and 40% are people with no convictions.· Pound for pound, earthworms make up half of all animal life.
· 25% of Americans who don't eat breakfast at home eat it at McDonald's.
· Sigmund Freud had a morbid fear of ferns.
· There are nine members in the Official Rin Tin Tin Fan Club.· The Hundred Years War lasted 116 years.
· The story of Cinderella has been made into a movie 58 times.
· 37% of Canadians think Canada will become a part of the U.S. in the next 50 years.
· Most of the villains in the Bible have red hair.
· 23% of Americans believe that the President can suspend the Bill of Rights during wartime.
· Captain Kangaroo won five Emmy awards.
· There are no words in the English language that rhyme with purple.
· Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.
· According to some studies, a 30-minute nap every day reduces the risk of a heart attack by 30%.
· The Ringling Brothers was orginally a family orchestra, not a circus.
· In 1991, there were 16 people on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted.
· Bob Hope has 33 filing cabinets of jokes in a fireproof vault; 17 are full of jokes he's never used.
· There are 44 million ways to make a Bingo on a single Bingo card.
· The only known meteorite fatality was an Egyptian dog hit in 1922.
· In Boise, Idaho's 1985 mayoral election, Mr. Potatohead received four write-in votes.
· In a 1985 poll, 93% of Americans could recognize Mr. Clean but only 56% could recognize vice president George Bush.